Olivia Oyesiku-Taylor

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My target 100 kms

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Finish line

Friday 6th Dec
100/100km completed across 10/12 days and a whole heap of support. THANK YOU 🙌🏼

Half way mark

Sunday 1st Dec
Last minute sub in to the sold out race that started me on this fundraising running journey. 10k PB at 55 minutes. Very grateful 🙏🏼

Hi and welcome!

Wednesday 20th Nov

As you know, I have joined UN Women’s campaigning efforts and am fundraising to promote the importance of a safe world for all, specifically for Women and Girls, a cause I am very passionate about. 

For context, an estimated 736 million women globally – almost one in three – have been subjected to physical and or sexual violence at least once in their lifetime. In Australia, women face a 1 in 3 chance of being assaulted, and 1 in 2 will experience sexual harassment. 1 in 3 women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime.

This campaign lasts for 16 days and I have committed to running (and where necessary walking) 100km from November 25th-December 10th. I decided on committing to this after missing the opportunity to join 2XU x Beyond Blue’s sold out 10km charity run lol (another great cause and effort from those participating). 

As a new runner I will absolutely be challenged by this new goal, but not as challenged as those living in unsafe environments, and if able and supported, those working to navigate their way out of them.

My noted efforts are to raise awareness and secure vital funds to support front-line programs working to put an end to violence. Therefore, if you would be so kind to support me, please donate to enable the work of UN Women to create a safer world for not only yourselves, but your loved ones, and those around the world less fortunate than ourselves. 

Thank you in advance for being here and for your donation. If you would like to chat further on my participation and passion for this space, feel free to reach out. If you would like to run with me, feel free to reach out also!

Much love xoxo

Thank you to my sponsors


Jen Hosford

Well done 👏


Marc Gore

So proud of you 😘


Jess O

Proud of you xxxx


Simone Falkenstein

Go Liv! Unreal stuff. Doing an incredible thing for women all over the world and smashing the runs at the same time. Sim x


Jack Matthews


Kate Gaffy

Amazing effort Liv!





Proud of you Lulu. Not only did you take on a challenge to help nake it safer ever always for women but you discovered the runner inside you. Lots of love Mumma ❤️



Keep up the awesome work!


India Caddy

Amazing cause! Absolutely smashed it Liv 🫶



You’re such an inspiration 🫶🏻 amazing work supporting such an important cause.




Tim Dillon

What a beast 💯 km 👑 😤


Samuel Alphonso


Olivia Ferrary

Get it girl xxx



What a great cause and inspiring to see how far you’ve run already! Proud of you xx


Julia Thorpe

Yes girl! So proud of you for raising money for such a worthy cause.


Kate Nuttall

So proud of you Olivia, taking action on this important issue!


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Nat Xxx

Such a worthy cause Liv - proud of you ❤️ xx almost there!! ✨✨✨


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Josh And Esh

You’ve got this girl 💪🏾 Smashing it! Lots of love xxxx


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Andrea Free

What a great cause Liv. So great you are doing this.


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Nancy Da Silva

Congratulations! You're making a huge impact on a very important issue, that affects everyone, whoever you are, wherever you are.


Vangelica Paritsi

Yes Liv! 👏🏽 Fantastic Cause, keep on moving yeah yeah ❤️


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Louis Bongiovanni


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Steph O'connor

You’re absolutely smashing it!! Keep going!! xxx


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation



You go girrrrl.. proud of you all the way from sunny london xxxx


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Georgina Pinto

Beyond proud of you for doing 👏🏼 You’ve got this girl ❤️


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Michelle Hodgson

You’re kicking goals, and I’m so incredibly proud of you xoxo


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation



Proud of you!


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Julia Stangl

So proud of you!! Keep running xx


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Abbie Gosling

Go gurllll 💜 So proud of you xxx


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Annie P

Go Liv!!! So proud of you x


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Grace Dobbs

Good luck Liv!💕🥳


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Shane Kelly

Go Liv!


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Emma Drysdale

Go girl xx


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Sammy Jones

Amazing Liv, Proud of you!!


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation



Go Liv!



Your doing great sweetie 😘


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation



Go Liv! Proud of you


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Pippa Williams

Get it gurrrrrl


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Andy H

Happy running!


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Hayley Dixon


Leo Marsh

Go Liv x


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Giving Tuesday Matched Donation


Thuy Rowe

Thank you Liv! You're an inspiration!


Bianca Bassett

Keep it going Liv ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Soph Parker

Look at you go!! Keep smashing it x



I want Steve to know that I’m more generous than he is


Jessica Hyde

Amazing!! ❤️


Cedric Cornelis

Good luck Liv! Nice work at the @XU Beyond Blue!


Jollie Wheeler

Go on cuz! X


Michelle Odonoghue

You go girlfriend!!!!


Chisanga Nshindano

Love your work Liv. Good luck ❤️


Makira Vann

You are a superstar. Safe everywhere always ❤️


Sam G.

You rock girl 💥🚀


Stephen Kay


Dom Grech


Ali Redman

Go guuuuuuurl


Debbie O'shea

Amazing Liv - in every way !


Emily Taylor

My inspiration ✨


Martyn Massop

You got this guuuuurl. Such a great cause. Very proud of you. X


Olivia De Ferrer


Rach P

Run, Liv, run! 🤩👟



Super proud of you!


Laura Jackson

Proud of you girl x


Ryan Higgins

Go on Liv!


Ross La Rosa

Good luck



That’s my girl!!!!! Go Liv! 💓


Nic Seater

Go get 'em Liv!


Maha Al Patty

You’ve got this babe, LETS GOOOOO!


Sarah Luttrell


Linda Murphy

Fair play Liv!



What a fantastic cause to raise for Liv, well done and good luck with the challenge. Keep me posted on how you track along.


Jake Trounson

Proud of you superstar!



keep pushing Liv :)


Mel Ryan

Amazing effort Liv, we're with you every step of the way (in spirit of course!), you'll ace this xx


Irena Farinacci

All the best Livi! xx


Ellen Walker

Proud of you❤️



Well done gal x


Vanessa Govan

Run run!! 😀



Proud of you!! Go! Go! 🏃‍♀️


Sarah Dennis

Queen 💕💕


Georgia Booth

Proud of you gal xxx



good luck babygirl! you will smash it- so proud 🤍🤍


Nekisha Salmon

Well done hun!! Forever proud of you xxx



Lulu what a great charity to support. Every donation helps empower others and to make a change and a difference. Love you 🥰 xxx


Olivia Oyesiku-taylor

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